Bonethane10 Tablet Stands by ISPS Innovations
Bonethane10 Tablet stands by ISPS Innovations
A versatile design, one piece platform, fully constructed from recycled Bonethane. Weighted not to slip. The Bonethane10 Stand works to hold the Tablet device in either landscape or portrait hold, allowing you free manoeuvrability to showcase presentaions, photos & work with simplicity.
The Bonethane10 stand is stream lined to be used on a counter top table or desk, widely used in offices, lobbies, homes, schools the options are widley reached. The angle of the Bonethane10 tablet holder allows the user to navigate freely which is perfect for presentations or if your simply sitting at home at your desk. The Bonethane10 Tablet Stand, creates better ergonomic intentions correcting your posture, by not limiting your key functions and lessening bearing position, which forces you into poor posture.
Calculated & Designed with class, the Bonethane10 tablet stand is fabricated to expresses the look of stone elegance with the function & adaptability to suit any plane surface. Designed to fit IPAD, IPAD Mini, Sony tablet. Suitable for Andriod or Apple based devices.
Note: ISPS are able to custom manufacture our Bonethane10 stands to suit any tablet device, simply provide us with the dimesions. For more information call 08 83818880. Nationally delivered. White boards and rear screen projectors are also available.
Another Bonethane first....
Recycling Bonethane using a water based technology system, allowing multi coloured substrates to form unique products. Using less energy than all other polymer recycling systems.Architects/Designers choice
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